Tag Archives: Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln and Getting Old

Rose and I went to see the movie Lincoln yesterday afternoon. I wanted to see it because I have always admired Lincoln. I read several books about him and thought of him as somewhat of a role model because of his great character. Rose also wanted to see it, but not as much as me, and since I saw Breaking Dawn with her Saturday, we decided to see Lincoln on Sunday.

I quickly looked it up and found that it started in twenty minutes so we hurried out the door without doing something I should have done first. I did not read what the movie was about. I assumed that since it was titled simply “Lincoln” that it was about the life of Abraham Lincoln, from birth to death and all that meaty stuff in the middle.

I assumed wrong. This movie is about securing votes to pass the Thirteenth Amendment in the House of Representatives at the beginning of 1865. Sure, it’s a good history lesson but if the producers wanted to put people to sleep they could have made a movie about the passage of Obamacare and saved money on costumes.

Don’t get me wrong. I was happy to learn things I did not know before. I just would have been happier learning it a from Redbox a few months from now. If I am going to pay big bucks to see a movie at the theater, I want to be entertained, and if I can be educated at the same time, that’s even better. Apollo 13 was an entertaining and educational movie. This was an educational movie. See the difference?

I noticed something else about the movie that disturbed me. Almost everyone there was older than me. Considering that I will be fifty years old next July, I think that says something about the type of people who are interested in a movie about Lincoln. I am one of those people! Does that mean I am entering into old age?

If I start driving slow in the left lane during rush hour with my blinker on when I really have nowhere important to be, you have my permission to slap me.