December 21, 2012 is the day our world will end, at least according to the Mayans. Actually, according to some person or persons who “interpreted” what the mayan calender meant. My calender ends on December 31st, so I would assume that day will be the end of the world, but alas, I am not an expert at predicting future events. Just ask my wife.
This time I think I can predict that most of us will be here to see December 22nd. I predicted that the Y2K scare would amount to nothing and I was right about that. Okay, so I am good at predicting some things, like when the world is not going to end and the outcome of certain movies and tv shows. Just don’t ask me to predict anything financial.
I base my prediction that the world will not end on three things:
- The Mayans did not even come close to surviving until the end of their calendar. Are we going to trust the predictions of a race that could not survive the Spanish?
- People have been interpreting signs that the world will end for years. So far they have all been idiots. If the world does end, it will be because humans can’t handle the power we have in the world today and that end won’t be predicted by some moron reading an ancient tablet.
- If I am wrong, who will know?
I also think preparing for the end of the world is stupid. You know there will be plenty of gullible people buying “survival kits” from a crafty entrepreneur that will be spending their money long after the day of reckoning. Think about it. Wouldn’t you rather spend your money on a vacation rather than supplies you won’t be around to use. Perhaps if you are rich, you can buy a ride on a Russian spacecraft and watch the destruction from a safe distance. What a great gift that would be.