Amazon “Associates”

I recently joined the Amazon affiliate program which they refer to as “Associates.” With it I will get about four percent of anything that someone buys when going through my link. It’s not much but I am hoping to at least pay my web hosting bill.

The biggest problem is that I can’t get a commission on anything that I buy. I don’t like it but I understand that they do it that way to keep people from signing up just to get a personal discount.

I recently bought Rose a Kindle and signed up for the Amazon Prime membership. With it we get to borrow an e-book once a month and we get free 2-day shipping on anything that is fulfilled by Amazon. Now I’m tempted to just order everything I need instead of driving around town looking for it. I was looking for cat food online yesterday which I would never do if I had to pay for shipping.

Prime also allows you to watch free movies like Netflix but there is two walls between my television and my router so the wi-fi connection is not good enough for streaming video. I ended up ordering a wi-fi repeater and hooked it up in the middle room but the signal is still barely under ideal. I guess I need to figure out a new strategy.

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