Vacationing in Germany: Part 10 – Back to Munich

Our last morning in Stuttgart was mostly spent packing. We packed everything that we didn’t need for the rest of our trip in our suitcases and put what we did need, or at least what we thought we might need, in our backpacks and one other bag. We then had breakfast at the hotel, checked out, and headed back to Munich.

We checked back into the Excelsior Hotel where we stayed three nights at the start of our trip. We planned to stay here two more nights at the end of our trip but decided to spend another night in Stuttgart instead. Since we had already paid for the previous night we were able to check in early. We were put in room 326. It was on the same floor as our last room, 328, but we had a view of the street this time instead of a view of other rooms.

We then decided to walk in a direction that we hadn’t been to yet. Not long into our walk we noticed several tour buses.

After speaking with the lady selling tickets, we decided to pay the 36 euros and got on the next bus. They said we could get off at any stop and get on another bus when we wanted to continue. That was certainly a great option but we just wanted to tour the city and see what we had missed. Since we spent every day on road trips, we never really saw Munich.

We sat on the top level in the front, which offered a great view. The top was open so I was able to stand and get photos without the glass obstruction when the bus was stopped. Coincidentally, we sat next to an American couple. They asked us where we were from and I said Florida. They said they were too. They lived in Dade City where they recently moved to from Clearwater. We told them we also recently moved from Clearwater but to Largo. We all lived in the same town at the same time but met each other thousands of miles away.

It was a pretty interesting tour. We saw many of the places that we were not able to see before. I think if we planned it better it would have been good to spend an entire day in Munich and get on and off the bus at our leisure. When we booked the trip I thought we would spend the entire day following our arrival touring the city and then an entire day again on the day before our departure but it did not work out that way.

After getting off the bus we had a nice lunch at a German restaurant called Münchner Stubn. The weather was beautiful and we were able to sit outside and enjoy the day.

I had the bratwurst platter and Rose got the Fillet. We both enjoyed the food. If fact, I think every time we ate real German food during our vacation it was delicious. Of course, who knows how to make real German food better than real Germans?

I started eating before I remembered to take a photo.

After going back to the hotel for a while, we went back out to the coffee shop across the street for drinks where we sat outside again. We were sure the second half of October wasn’t always that pleasent in Munich so we wanted to enjoy being outside as much as possible.

We needed to get out the door by 5 a.m. the next morning for our trip home so we packed our stuff and went to bed early. Very early. I don’t remember the time but I think it was around 7:30. That was about 1:30 p.m. Florida time. The jet lag was bad enough after getting to Germany, I could only imagine how bad going home would be. Of course, going to bed at 7:30 is not the same as going to sleep at 7:30. I think I lay in bed for three hours before falling asleep.

What do you think about Germany so far? Next I will write about our trip home and then I will write about the differences I noticed between Germany and The United States.

4 thoughts on “Vacationing in Germany: Part 10 – Back to Munich”

  1. I went through your whole series when you started to publish each pieces. It was an interesting read. It also shows again how different Germany is depending on where you are at in Germany. The photo with the Bahn going upwards looked outlandish for a Northern German soul like me, because we’re basically flatlanders 😀 I remember when I was in Harz/Thuringia and we walked up the Brocken hill… we made jokes like at “At home the highest hill I climbed was a staircase” and so. 🙂

    Most of the food you photographes for example would not have been served here in the North unless it is a Bavarian restaurant. So, you really showed quite a lot of differences, even to me and I am German. I enjoyed your photos and your American perspective… I mean, how you perceived the German things you discovered. It’s interesting. I also think you saw a lot in a short time. 🙂

    I gonna read your next post where you will compare the differences. Probably delayed as I am busy too, but I gonna read it!

    1. Thanks, Dennis. I am also a flatlander. Here is Florida we have no mountains and very few hills so seeing the mountains was very beautiful to me. The many farms on rolling hills were also very beautiful. Besides the beauty of the mountains, I enjoyed the beauty and friendliness of the small towns that I am sure you also have near you. I also understand that Northern Germany is different so when I do write about my opinions I need to make that clear. My next post will be about our trip home and the inefficiencies of the U.S. Customs.

      1. Nah, I don’t think you need to make that clear. It’s allright. I think people know. It was more of a random thought I had. It was just a pointer to tell you how interesting your posts have been to me as well, as I could spot the differences to Northern Germany. So, I enjoyed your series and observations a lot.

        In one photo of another post you showed the green fields with corn fields… that, including the forest areas surrounding the fields is how it mostly looks here in the Northern part of Germany but without hills… at maximum a few tiny slopes. And you’re right… if you get out of the cities, the differences become smaller. Many small towns or villages here in Schleswig-Holstein have Fachwerkhäuser (half-timbered houses) and this beauty and friendlly atmosphere, like in Baden-Würtenberg or Bavaria.

        I stay tuned with your next posts. 🙂

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